Houston Aesthetics

Certified Body Sculpting and Teeth Whitening Specialist I am located at 20550 Townsend Blvd Unit 104 Humble, Tx 77338 I work by appointments only. Text 832-503-3993 for any questions regarding my services.

Business Hours

11 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 7 PM
2 PM - 7 PM
2 PM - 7 PM
9 AM - 7:30 PM
9 AM - 3 PM

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel/reschedule your appointment 24hrs in advanced to scheduled time, failure to cancel within this time frame will result in 50% fee of the service(s) booked. No shows Result in a 60% fee of scheduled service. No shows are no longer able to book future appointments. When booking a service you are agreeing to these terms & conditions. No refunds will be issued. Deposits are non refundable. Puede cancelar/cambiar su cita con hasta 24hrs de el tiempo de su cita, cualquier cancelación/cambio de cita fuera de las 24hrs resultara en un cargo de 50% del servicio(s) programados. Si usted no llega a su cita se le cobrará 60% de su servicio. No hay reembolso. Depósitos no son reembolsables. _________________________________________ 🚨Reminder🚨 Results vary per client, clients may need more than one session to achieve desired results. Refunds are not issued.